Lee Savings Bank, Lee, Massachusetts – Vintage Advertising Ashtray, c1950’s


Lee Savings Bank, Lee, Massachusetts – Vintage Advertising Ashtray, c1950’s

Mint Condition

(from their website)

Since 1852, when Lee Savings Bank opened its doors, the town of Lee and its people revolved around farming, marble quarries, lumber and paper mills. Skilled trades professionals were abundant, and the town drew many talented immigrants. Neighborhoods, churches, local businesses, and schools instilled Lee with a close-knit, self-contained identity.

Today, Lee is a 21st century town, yet close to its roots.

Lee Bank has endured as an independent community bank that has grown to serve the wider Berkshire County region. Yet we’ve stayed close to our founding principles: excellent service, sincerity of purpose and simplicity in banking.

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